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Design e desenvolvimento de softwareO que desenvolvemos para <strong>{company}</strong>
An app that brings much more than basic: everything a rider needs to create his own stories.
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A modern e-commerce app aligned with the daily experiences of online consumption from Polishop clients.
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The new Bradesco's app brought the easing and the eficiency that every company needs to manage its business.
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The GPSi is a corporative app for supporting, leading and cleaning services monitoring for large clients like Rede Globo (Projac). An app that overcame expectations of Grupo GPS.
O que desenvolvemos para <strong>{company}</strong>
Systems to categorize biotechnology researches and improvement of internal processes, highlighting the decrease of preventive maintenance time of equipments during moments like factories general stopping.
O que desenvolvemos para <strong>{company}</strong>
Internal apps for compliance processes, SAP and Salesforce integrated budget computation and speed up the attendance of large laboratories like Fleury.
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