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Look where X-Apps has been present

We were featured at Varejo Summit 2021

Our UX Writer Pedro Reis and Polishop's E-commerce Analyst, Tahinne Santos, spoke about the successful partnership between X-Apps and Polishop in one of the panels of the largest online retail event in Brazil.

We took presence at TDWC 2021

TDWC is the World's Largest Online Digital Transformation Conference. On the panel, the highlight was Contrate Squads, our platform that is revolutionizing the way of hiring software developers in Brazil.

X-Apps at CMO Summit 2021!

We landed on Mars! In 2021, X-Apps was able to participate in the CMO Summit, an event organized by Transformação Digital. In the interview, our CEO, Mikael Malanski, and our CMO, Mayara Toledo, brought more details about what are the main mobile technologies applied to Marketing in 2021.

We were a reference in e-commerce technologies at Varejo Summit 2021

Our CEO, Mikael Malanski, and our CMO, Mayara Toledo, were invited to talk about the most advanced technologies in online retail. They also presented exclusive marketing tips for e-commerce apps.

Interview for "Empresários de Sucesso" program - Record News

The reporter Stela Jordy, from Record News describes the trajectory and the development processes used on X-Apps. In the intervew it's possible to understand the startup advances and the challanges faced in the day-to-day.


In the "Empresários de Sucesso" show studios, Mikael Malanski, founder of a company that develops every kind of apps for companies and businessmen.

BMW's case & X-Apps at Inova360 on Record News

Releasing of the developed app in partnership with BMW in Motorrad Days Brasil 2019.

We participated on Varejo Summit 2020 - Igor Lopes (TD) interviews X-Apps

We talked to Igor Lopes, TD's Co-Founder, about Innovation and Software Development in Retail. In addition to it, we showed up some of our best sucess cases in this area.

Reporting for "Fala Brasil" news show: the new labor law reform

The "Fala Brasil" news show from Rede Record shows how gonna be the labor routine of X-Apps' employees with the new labor law reform.

Understand the X-Apps used methodologies in a interview for Canaltech

In interview for the channel, it's approached the factory history specialized on Web and mobile, with fast solutions aimed on different segments.


In interview for the "Empresários de Sucesso" show, Mikael Malanski explains how companies can use tech to enhance their businesses.

On a special discussion: Apps and new technologies with Mikael Malanski

On the interview for “Em Discussão Especial” TV Alesp's show, the X-Apps' CEO shows guidelines to a well-done project, from the begginning to the end of the development.

We talked to Zancopé Simões, from Programa Gente que Fala

On the agenda, the X-Apps’ CEO Mikael Malanski explains the use of technology in several sector of the economy. In addition, he also commented about the new profile of IT professionals in Brazil.

Por que React Native é a linguagem adequada para criação de apps?

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8 tendências da tecnologia para ficar de olho

5 conselhos para quem quer começar uma carreira em tecnologia

Tecnologia para franquias

Novas tecnologias para inclusão

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